Rules and expectations!
Non-Acceptable attire on a golf course
Branded pants
sweat pants
Ripped pants
Short shorts
Jean material in any clothing

Arrive 30min prior to tee time
Bring a water bottle and a snack
Wet players towel 1/3
Have at least one pegsil
Have at least 5 tees in your pocket
When arriving at golf course...
Meeting player/golf bag
Introduce yourself
Ask before placing water bottle and snacks in players bag
take a photo of their clubs, count golf clubs
Turn phone ringer off
Ask which tees player will be playing
Clean players clubs with wet towel

Collared shirts
Athletic pants-open bottom-pants with pockets
Hat/visor with at least one hat clip
Long hair-must be tied back
Boys must have shirts tucked in
Athletic attire

Let players pull clubs out their bag unless they ask you to do so
If they pass you head cover, place on right club
place cart in direction of hole, about three feet to the right of where they are hitting
Always have putter ready for them after they hit on the green
When Playing...

Do not line up the player to the flag, or on the teeing area, or putting green. This is a 2-stroke penalty to the player.
Do not step in anyone’s putting line, or their through line. (3 feet beyond the putting line).
Do not touch or pick up anyone’s golf ball – unless specifically asked. (Such as a provisional ball where the original one has been found and in play).
You cannot suggest a golf club to any other player but your own.
You can not say how many clubs the wind has, or the MPH/KMH to any player, other than your own.
Flagstick ettiquite
The player who is farthest away from the hole, putts first.
Usually, the players’ caddie will be the one person to attend the flagstick for their own player.
Sometimes, a different caddie might attend the flagstick. For instance, the player’s caddie is raking a bunker far away.
Stand on the low side of the hole, unless your player wants you to stand on the high side of the hole.
Pull the flagstick out of the ground about one inch and lean it against the back part of the cup.
Beware of the other 3 ball markers and preplan where you are walking after the player has stuck the putt.
As soon as the putt is struck, take the flag out and move away from the hole.
Typically, the flagstick is placed on the putting green, where there is no chance of any putt hitting it.
clean the clubhead after the player has hit their ball.
arrive at your players ball before they do.
When your player hits in a bad direction – follow it until the end. Say something like “I saw it hit the willow tree mid-way up and did not see where it landed.” Or “I saw a splash and I believe the entry point was near the red stake.” Or “I see white stakes, maybe you should hit a Provincial ball.”
be ready to rake the bunker, for your player and possibly the other players.
Always place the bag/pushcart in between the flagstick and the next teeing area.
You may offer yardages
Repair pitch marks on the putting green, your players and one more.

The Safety Zone – there is always a safety zone
Never walk in front of a player.
Do not place a golf bag or push cart parallel to the golf ball.
Do not swing without looking around first.
Always face the three other players when making practice swings.
Never chip towards cars or people, no matter how skilled.
The best place to stand is facing the player at least 3 feet short of parallel to the golf ball.
The caddie might have to hide behind the push cart to be safe.
Yell “FORE” or “FORE RIGHT” or “FORE LEFT” if needed.
The caddie might signal with their arm to indicate “FORE Direction”.
Always be polite
Thank your player and the others
Thank the other caddies
Thank the pro shop.
Count your player’s clubs and headcovers
Do not forget your phone, snack or water bottle, personal belongings.